
Television and radio interviews

CTV News, Montreal: TV news, Interview on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Canadians’ sleep

November 16th 2020

MAtv: “Ère libre” (S07E07), TV interview

November 16th 2020

Heart&Stroke: Video conference “Le sommeil et la santé vasculaire”

June 1st 2020

PERFORM Center:  PERFORM Colloquium – “Why and how to maintain a good sleep in a time of crisis”

May 21 2020

Radio Canada Première: “Les années lumières, Incursions dans les méchanismes de la mémoire”, Radio interview

May 10th 2020

Radio Canada Première: “Est-ce que nous rêvons plus à une certaine période de notre vie ?”, Radio interview

March 24th 2020

Radio Canada-Première: “L’insomnie chronique altère notre mémoire”, Radio interview

May 27th 2019

TVA: “L’insomnie affecte la mémoire”, TV coverage

May 18th 2019

Canal Savoir: “Le sommeil”, TV interview

March 26th 2019

Radio Canada International: “Ready for World Sleep Day?”, Radio interview

March 14th 2019

Centre Ludmer Center: “Sleep and the Ageing brain – Dr. Thanh Dang-Vu: A brief overview of sleep disorders in the elderly”

March 29th 2019

Sleep, Cognition and Neuroimaging lab: Presentation by Alex Nguyen, BSc.

January 2018

Concordia University: “How to take the perfect nap”, Montreal, Qc, Ca.

March 16th 2018

Radio Canada: Interviews on sleep disorders, with regional Radio Canada stations (Sherbrooke, Rimouski, Sept-Iles, Ottawa, Toronto, Sudbury, Regina, Quebec city, Winnipeg, Windsor)

March 16th 2018 and November 8th 2017

MAtv Montréal: “Ere Libre”, interview on sleep and aging

November 6th 2017

CJAD 800AM: Leslie Roberts Show, interview on healthy aging

May 10th 2017

Radio Canada-Première: “Les éclaireurs”, interview on insomnia

February 6th 2016

CBC-Radio Canada: “The Current”, interview on insomnia

May 29th 2015

TVA nouvelles: TV news on insomnia and aging

 March 13th 2015

CJAD 800AM: Barry Morgan Show, interview on insomnia

 March 12th 2015

Tele-Quebec: TV show “Une pilule, une petite granule”, interview on sleeping pills in the elderly

 September 2014

City Montreal: TV show “Breakfast TV”, interview on sleep

 August 13th 2014

France2 (French TV channel, 8PM news): “Les mystères du sommeil dans le bruit”

 August 23th 2010

Magazine and newspaper interviews

The Loh Down on Science: “Workout or Pass Out”.

June 01 2021

CTV News: “Poor sleeping habits may increase your risk of dementia: study”.

May 14th 2021

Radio-Canada: “Mal dormir pourrait augmenter le risque de démence”.

May 14th 2021

La Presse: “Treize trucs pour aller mieux”.

November 14th 2020

The Times: “Sleep after cycling to build up memory, say scientists”.

April 6th 2020

Radio Canada: “L’insomnie chronique liée à des problèmes de mémoire”.

May 16th 2019

Life Sciences, Medical News: “A direct link established between chronic insomnia and cognitive problems”.

May 15th 2019

Concordia News: “Memories are strengthened via brainwaves produced during sleep, new study shows”, Montreal, Qc, Ca.

May 15th 2019

UdeM Nouvelles: “L’insomnie chronique altère les fonctions cognitives des personnes de 45 ans et plus”, Montreal, Qc, Ca.

May 15th 2019

Le Journal de Montréal: “L’insomnie affecte la mémoire”, Montreal, Qc, Ca.

May 18th 2019

Montreal Gazette: “World sleep day: don’t discount the importance of getting proper rest”, Montreal, Qc, Ca.

March 15th 2019

The Concordian: “Could short naps offset sleep deprivation”, Montreal, Qc, Ca.

March 5th 2019

The conversation: “L’insomnie est un drame. Que propose la science ?”

March 12th 2019

Concordia University: “Researchers investigate the benefits of sleep on memory, mental health and overall quality of life”

March 12th, 2019

La recherche: “Le sommeil et le rêve” (special issue)

March 2018

Concordia Unviersity: “Spring ahead… without falling behind”

March 8th 2017

Le devoir: “A chaque insomniaque son traitement” 

November 7th 2017

Psych Congress Network: “Sleep spindle density may influence success of CBT for insomnia” 

September 25th 2017

L’actualité: “Insomnie quand tu nous tiens” 

September 19th 2016

Montreal Gazette: “Getting a good night’s sleep in old age” 

November 6th 2015

Le Journal du Bel Age: “Vaincre l’insomnie”

November 2015

The Chronicle of Neurology & Psychiatry: “Canadian researchers unravelling why humans sleep”

 Fall 2015

Neurology Central: “Exploring sleep: interview with Thanh Dang-Vu” 

Notre Santé: “Troubles du sommeil: lourds de conséquences”

June 19th 2015

Le Devoir: “Vaincre l’insomnie, c’est possible”

February 21st 2015

Sciences & Vie: “La Biologie de la Nuit” (special issue)

March 2014

La Presse+: “Les vidangeurs du cerveau”

October 27th 2013

Le Monde de l’Intelligence: “Savoir Dormir” (issue n°31 ; p. 16-19)

July, August 2013

Bulletin of the Vietnamese Canadian Federation: “Profile Spotlight: Dr Thanh Dang-Vu”

April, June 2013

Sciences & Vie: “Les Mystères du Sommeil” (special issue)

March 2013

Science Careers: “Presentation Tips for Non-Native Speakers”

Boston Globe: “Sound sleepers’ brain waves block noise” 

Fox News: “Sound Sleeper? Thank Your Brain Waves”

LiveScience: “Sound Sleeper? Thank Your Brain Waves”

Wired: “The Brain’s Secret to Sleeping Like a Log”

Scientific American: “Sound Sleepers’ Brain Waves Block Sounds”

Science Daily: “Brain Rhythm Predicts Ability to Sleep Through a Noisy Night”

Science Daily: “Human Brain Still Awake, Even During Deep Sleep” 

Science Now: “Busy Brains Make for Deeper Sleep” 

AOL Health: “Sound Asleep? Why Some People Can Sleep Through Noise” 

Medical News Today: “The Brain Still Awake, Even During Deep Sleep”

Science News: “Spindles foster sound slumber” 

Le Soir: “Le sommeil de plomb : une histoire d’ondes”

Le Figaro: “Le secret de ceux qui arrivent à dormir dans le bruit”

Le Temps: “Les dormeurs inégaux face au bruit” 

20minutes: “Des “fuseaux du sommeil” pour mieux dormir dans un environnement sonore”

Forskning & Framsteg (Sweden): “Sömnmönster påverkar din lättväckthet” 

Vietnamese national newspapers (“Tuoi Tre”, “Thanh Nien”)

Medical News Today: “The Brain Still Awake, Even During Deep Sleep”, Montreal, Qc, Ca.

October 2008

TV and radio

Television and radio interviews

CTV News, Montreal: TV news, Interview on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Canadians’ sleep

November 16th 2020

MAtv: “Ère libre” (S07E07), TV interview

November 16th 2020

Heart&Stroke: Video conference “Le sommeil et la santé vasculaire”

June 1st 2020

PERFORM Center:  PERFORM Colloquium – “Why and how to maintain a good sleep in a time of crisis”

May 21 2020

Radio Canada Première: “Les années lumières, Incursions dans les méchanismes de la mémoire”, Radio interview

May 10th 2020

Radio Canada Première: “Est-ce que nous rêvons plus à une certaine période de notre vie ?”, Radio interview

March 24th 2020

Radio Canada-Première: “L’insomnie chronique altère notre mémoire”, Radio interview

May 27th 2019

TVA: “L’insomnie affecte la mémoire”, TV coverage

May 18th 2019

Canal Savoir: “Le sommeil”, TV interview

March 26th 2019

Radio Canada International: “Ready for World Sleep Day?”, Radio interview

March 14th 2019

Centre Ludmer Center: “Sleep and the Ageing brain – Dr. Thanh Dang-Vu: A brief overview of sleep disorders in the elderly”

March 29th 2019

Sleep, Cognition and Neuroimaging lab: Presentation by Alex Nguyen, BSc.

January 2018

Concordia University: “How to take the perfect nap”, Montreal, Qc, Ca.

March 16th 2018

Radio Canada: Interviews on sleep disorders, with regional Radio Canada stations (Sherbrooke, Rimouski, Sept-Iles, Ottawa, Toronto, Sudbury, Regina, Quebec city, Winnipeg, Windsor)

March 16th 2018 and November 8th 2017

MAtv Montréal: “Ere Libre”, interview on sleep and aging

November 6th 2017

CJAD 800AM: Leslie Roberts Show, interview on healthy aging

May 10th 2017

Radio Canada-Première: “Les éclaireurs”, interview on insomnia

February 6th 2016

CBC-Radio Canada: “The Current”, interview on insomnia

May 29th 2015

TVA nouvelles: TV news on insomnia and aging

 March 13th 2015

CJAD 800AM: Barry Morgan Show, interview on insomnia

 March 12th 2015

Tele-Quebec: TV show “Une pilule, une petite granule”, interview on sleeping pills in the elderly

 September 2014

City Montreal: TV show “Breakfast TV”, interview on sleep

 August 13th 2014

France2 (French TV channel, 8PM news): “Les mystères du sommeil dans le bruit”

 August 23th 2010

Magazine and newspaper

Magazine and newspaper interviews

The Loh Down on Science: “Workout or Pass Out”.

June 01 2021

CTV News: “Poor sleeping habits may increase your risk of dementia: study”.

May 14th 2021

Radio-Canada: “Mal dormir pourrait augmenter le risque de démence”.

May 14th 2021

La Presse: “Treize trucs pour aller mieux”.

November 14th 2020

The Times: “Sleep after cycling to build up memory, say scientists”.

April 6th 2020

Radio Canada: “L’insomnie chronique liée à des problèmes de mémoire”.

May 16th 2019

Life Sciences, Medical News: “A direct link established between chronic insomnia and cognitive problems”.

May 15th 2019

Concordia News: “Memories are strengthened via brainwaves produced during sleep, new study shows”, Montreal, Qc, Ca.

May 15th 2019

UdeM Nouvelles: “L’insomnie chronique altère les fonctions cognitives des personnes de 45 ans et plus”, Montreal, Qc, Ca.

May 15th 2019

Le Journal de Montréal: “L’insomnie affecte la mémoire”, Montreal, Qc, Ca.

May 18th 2019

Montreal Gazette: “World sleep day: don’t discount the importance of getting proper rest”, Montreal, Qc, Ca.

March 15th 2019

The Concordian: “Could short naps offset sleep deprivation”, Montreal, Qc, Ca.

March 5th 2019

The conversation: “L’insomnie est un drame. Que propose la science ?”

March 12th 2019

Concordia University: “Researchers investigate the benefits of sleep on memory, mental health and overall quality of life”

March 12th, 2019

La recherche: “Le sommeil et le rêve” (special issue)

March 2018

Concordia Unviersity: “Spring ahead… without falling behind”

March 8th 2017

Le devoir: “A chaque insomniaque son traitement” 

November 7th 2017

Psych Congress Network: “Sleep spindle density may influence success of CBT for insomnia” 

September 25th 2017

L’actualité: “Insomnie quand tu nous tiens” 

September 19th 2016

Montreal Gazette: “Getting a good night’s sleep in old age” 

November 6th 2015

Le Journal du Bel Age: “Vaincre l’insomnie”

November 2015

The Chronicle of Neurology & Psychiatry: “Canadian researchers unravelling why humans sleep”

 Fall 2015

Neurology Central: “Exploring sleep: interview with Thanh Dang-Vu” 

Notre Santé: “Troubles du sommeil: lourds de conséquences”

June 19th 2015

Le Devoir: “Vaincre l’insomnie, c’est possible”

February 21st 2015

Sciences & Vie: “La Biologie de la Nuit” (special issue)

March 2014

La Presse+: “Les vidangeurs du cerveau”

October 27th 2013

Le Monde de l’Intelligence: “Savoir Dormir” (issue n°31 ; p. 16-19)

July, August 2013

Bulletin of the Vietnamese Canadian Federation: “Profile Spotlight: Dr Thanh Dang-Vu”

April, June 2013

Sciences & Vie: “Les Mystères du Sommeil” (special issue)

March 2013

Science Careers: “Presentation Tips for Non-Native Speakers”

Boston Globe: “Sound sleepers’ brain waves block noise” 

Fox News: “Sound Sleeper? Thank Your Brain Waves”

LiveScience: “Sound Sleeper? Thank Your Brain Waves”

Wired: “The Brain’s Secret to Sleeping Like a Log”

Scientific American: “Sound Sleepers’ Brain Waves Block Sounds”

Science Daily: “Brain Rhythm Predicts Ability to Sleep Through a Noisy Night”

Science Daily: “Human Brain Still Awake, Even During Deep Sleep” 

Science Now: “Busy Brains Make for Deeper Sleep” 

AOL Health: “Sound Asleep? Why Some People Can Sleep Through Noise” 

Medical News Today: “The Brain Still Awake, Even During Deep Sleep”

Science News: “Spindles foster sound slumber” 

Le Soir: “Le sommeil de plomb : une histoire d’ondes”

Le Figaro: “Le secret de ceux qui arrivent à dormir dans le bruit”

Le Temps: “Les dormeurs inégaux face au bruit” 

20minutes: “Des “fuseaux du sommeil” pour mieux dormir dans un environnement sonore”

Forskning & Framsteg (Sweden): “Sömnmönster påverkar din lättväckthet” 

Vietnamese national newspapers (“Tuoi Tre”, “Thanh Nien”)

Medical News Today: “The Brain Still Awake, Even During Deep Sleep”, Montreal, Qc, Ca.

October 2008