Remote Exercise, Sleep and Memory Study

About The Study

The purpose of the overall research project is to understand how exercise and sleep interact to improve memory. In this remote study, we study how high intensity exercise performed prior to sleep will compensate for the effects of sleep loss on memory.

Participants will complete online questionnaires to determine eligibility. These forms will ask questions about sleep, mood, exercise, and medical history.

Those eligible will have a remote practice session via Zoom prior to the experimental procedure. The experimental procedure is performed on-line in your home. It will involve a slightly shorter or an average night of sleep after a brief (~15 min) high-intensity (HIIT) exercise intervention, or no exercise, and an immediate memory task (The exercise session will be recorded through Zoom). In the morning, participants will take a second, 20-minute memory task. Participants will be compensated a total of $50.00 after completion.


  • Between 18 and 35.

  • Healthy; free of chronic illnesses; not taking medications that affect sleep.

  • Consistent sleeper; no sleep disorders.

  • Do not consume excess alcohol or recreational drugs.

  • Basic Understanding in English & French.


For more information, please email