Welcome to the Sleep, Cognition and Neuroimaging Laboratory (SCNLab)

A lab investigating the brain mechanisms of sleep and sleep disorders, and the role of sleep in cognitive health, using state of the art multimodal neuroimaging techniques.
Recent news

Dr. Thanh Dang-Vu, Director of the SCN Laboratory and Professor at Concordia University, just published a new book titled “Neuronal Oscillations of Wakefulness and Sleep: Windows on Spontaneous Activity of the Brain” with colleague Dr. Richard Courtemanche. This book gathers contributions from renown neuroscientists and other members of the SCNLab (including Aurore Perrault, PhD, and postdoctoral fellow)…

A little snooze after a brisk bike ride is the best way to fend off forgetfulness and dementia, researchers in Canada have said.
There is a large body of evidence linking both adequate sleep and physical exercise with better memory, but the researchers at Concordia University in Montreal now say there is an added benefit from combining the two…
Participants needed
Please note that the SCNLab is a RESEARCH only laboratory; this means we cannot provide any clinical tests nor diagnosis. For CLINICAL assessments, please consult the Patients associations section or consult your physician for a referral.